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    Friday, December 10, 2010

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Noah and The Whale!

    Right now I feel like I'm such a big fan. 
    I seriously can't stop listening to their songs, 
    plus their music videos are so cute!

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Koalas & Kiwis

    This summer I went to Australia and New Zealand. It was the best vacation ever. I finally got to see koalas, kangaroos, kiwi birds. I even got to see glowworms inside a cave! They looked like stars but they were blue which happens to be my favorite color. The weather was great, it was pretty cold but I enjoyed every minute I spent there. And after 10 years I finally got the chance to see and feel snow again! Oh I'm totally going abroad when I graduate high school.

    Friday, March 19, 2010

    Do Your Best

    I've learned that it's not about being the best, it's about doing your best. Life isn't a competition, just do your best and everything will turn out great! Good luck at doing your best, especially when you're doing the things you love.

    Thursday, February 18, 2010


    I dream to be a zoologist. You may think that it's a little odd. Well I don't think it's odd, but I know that it's just different. Different from anyone I know. And that too is a reason why i dream to become a zoologist, I just want to be different for once.

    Maybe if you see me you wouldn't think that I'm much of an animal lover. It's because I don't get to interact with them much. But I do find them very amusing. I want to study them, I want to get to know them, befriend them. And I really don't want to live in the city when I grow up. I just want to get close with nature.

    But for now all I can do is watch animal planet. Somehow watching Animal Planet always makes me feel good and makes me want to escape and go in to the wild.

    Well I really do hope I can be a zoologist and have my own show on animal planet.